Friday 10 November 2017

Grade 2 Acrylic Chameleon Paintings

By Sari

Lesson Background:
We have been reading Nim's Island by Wendy Orr, so thought we would make these pictures of Fred the iguana.  Lesson idea adapted from Deep Space Sparkle:

Lesson Materials (per student):
1 sheet A4 art paper
Acrylic paints
Black permanent marker/sharpie for outlining

Lesson Steps:
1.  We looked at photos and artworks of iguanas, and discussed their features. 
2.  We then drew the iguana step-by-step together, and Mrs Baker showed us ways we could add slightly different eyes, mouths, spikes etc to make them more unique.
3.  We painted the picture.
3.  When dry, we outlined our pictures in black marker.

Grade 2 Student Artworks:

By Yare

By Alex B

By Harris

By Isidore

By Elise

By John

By Leon

By Isidore

By Amy

By Jordan

By Louis

By 2BD